
Pink Camouflage

Okładka książki Pink Camouflage Gemma Morgan
Okładka książki Pink Camouflage
Gemma Morgan Wydawnictwo: ‎Luath Press biografia, autobiografia, pamiętnik
192 str. 3 godz. 12 min.
biografia, autobiografia, pamiętnik
Tytuł oryginału:
Pink Camouflage
‎Luath Press
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3 godz. 12 min.
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8,0 8,0 / 10

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" [...] There were no boundaries, no rules or decency, just a lawlessness that pervaded everything. [...]"

The true story of a woman soldier in the UK. Brutally honest and shocking. Gemma Morgan tells her story. How did she survive this brutal hell created by her superiors and "friends"? Author Gemma Morgan talks about her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). How did it happen? How did she deal with it, and what is it like for her to live with it? These questions will be answered by Gemma Morgan herself. I recommend this book to every future soldier because they may suffer from PTSD in the future. It is very scary when young people go through such a terrible trauma that will change their lives forever. From this book, you will also learn about the beginnings of her military service. The author could always count on her husband in her misfortune. I'm glad he didn't abandon her and supported her with all his heart. I don't like it when women in the military are humiliated because of their gender, and when they get pregnant, they quickly lose their jobs. When their health is not good, they cannot count on their superiors. This is sad. I'm glad that Gemma Morgan is speaking openly about this topic and breaking some taboos. I like this biography. Despite the heavy and difficult topic, this novel is a quick read. Let me tell you right away that you will need tissues to read this book. It's a pity that nowadays people with PTSD are ridiculed, insulted, called names and pointed fingers. A little empathy never hurt anyone. Former soldiers need our help, not pigeonholing. They are the ones who guard our well-being. They are the ones defending our country. They see what none of us would ever want to see. Can you imagine being at war now and seeing bloody and dismembered corpses all the time? Do you feel the fear they feel as bullets fly around them? And bombs exploding in the distance? It seems to me that after such traumatic experiences, every soldier suffers from PTSD. The fact that you suffer from PTSD is, in my opinion, nothing to be ashamed of. It is worth reading "Pink Camouflage" and getting to know Gemma Morgan better. Remember, do not judge another person before you get to know them well. Due to poor judgment, you can harm another person. Men, respect women and do not discriminate against them. Gemma Morgan is a hero to me. If you suffer from PTSD, don't be afraid to ask for help.

Gemma Morgan is an Ambassador for the charity ‘Help for Heroes’, supporting wounded, injured and sick British Armed Forces Veterans.
Check out her website:

In the book "Pink Camouflage" you will find many other interesting facts about the author's life.

" [...] There were no boundaries, no rules or decency, just a lawlessness that pervaded everything. [...]"

The true story of a woman soldier in the UK. Brutally honest and shocking. Gemma Morgan tells her story. How did she survive this brutal hell created by her superiors and "friends"? Author Gemma Morgan talks about her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). How did it...

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Gemma Morgan Pink Camouflage Zobacz więcej
Gemma Morgan Pink Camouflage Zobacz więcej
Gemma Morgan Pink Camouflage Zobacz więcej

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