
Stephen Webb

Stephen Webb
Pisze książki: astronomia, astrofizyka
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If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens ... Where Is Everybody?
If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens ... Where Is Everybody?
Stephen Webb
9,5 z 2 ocen
19 czytelników 1 opinia

Popularne cytaty autora

  • It hardly seems worth mentioning that, depending upon the severity of a nuclear war, the extinction of an intelligent species might follow. ...

    It hardly seems worth mentioning that, depending upon the severity of a nuclear war, the extinction of an intelligent species might follow. (One hesitates to use the word “intelligent” in this context, but the meaning is clear.).

    3 osoby to lubią
  • So, like the drunk who looks for his lost keys at night under a lamppost, not because that’s where he lost them but because that’s where he ...

    So, like the drunk who looks for his lost keys at night under a lamppost, not because that’s where he lost them but because that’s where he can see, we might be condemned to search for electromagnetic broadcasts because we can.

    1 osoba to lubi
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