
Quicksand. What It Means to Be a Human Being

Okładka książki Quicksand. What It Means to Be a Human Being Henning Mankell
Okładka książki Quicksand. What It Means to Be a Human Being
Henning Mankell Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books USA biografia, autobiografia, pamiętnik
320 str. 5 godz. 20 min.
biografia, autobiografia, pamiętnik
Tytuł oryginału:
Vintage Books USA
Data wydania:
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Czas czytania
5 godz. 20 min.
Średnia ocen

8,0 8,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
8,0 / 10
1 ocen
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0 / 10



Na półkach:

One of my friends recommended this book to me saying: You will like it for sure. I know that his recommendations are right and it is worth reading what he suggests. But when I started reading this and discovered that the story is about a man diagnosed with cancer I wasn't happy. I didn't like the topic as I was suffering from pain and numbness in my hands and I was afraid of my own health. And then, all of a sudden this book about such a horrible disease happened to be on my hands. At first I turned off my kindle reader and was intent on changing this book for another. But on second thoughts (after a couple of days) I decided to come back to the story and give it a chance. It might be that an appointment with a doctor and her diognosis about my pains, that wasn't so bad, made me change my mind. Anyway, after starting reading I can't put down the book. My first impression was that the content is very interesting but a bit disjointed, I couldn't find a central motif. Finally, I understood that all the stories, memories, experiences, descriptions of paintings, books and other pieces of art, people the author met, his thoughts , observations and beliefs were means to cope with disease and this quicksand of fear that tried to suck him down. Writing them gave the author a great consolation and readers a great reading.
And what it means to be a human being? "Our ability to wonder and ask questions is what makes us human beings."

One of my friends recommended this book to me saying: You will like it for sure. I know that his recommendations are right and it is worth reading what he suggests. But when I started reading this and discovered that the story is about a man diagnosed with cancer I wasn't happy. I didn't like the topic as I was suffering from pain and numbness in my hands and I was afraid...

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