
Profil użytkownika: mommy_and_books

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" [...] Not talking about something doesn’t make it unspeakable. [...]"

I will start with the ending, because it is very moving. I didn't expect that I would cry when I read the ending of Paul Marriner's novel "Miracle number four". Wow! It was an interesting and sad story at the same time. There's a lot of emotion here. I immediately wonder whether the author will continue this story and whether we will learn the further fate of the experienced Michael (JB) called Mikey, his girlfriend Petra, their friend Anika and, of course, other characters appearing in this book. The characters in this book are teenagers living in the 1970s. Rocking into life. Together they form a rock band, the name of which you will learn while reading. Life doesn't always go their way. They experience moments of happiness, ecstasy and, unfortunately, despair. They will be no strangers to fighting illness and even death. Who will experience it? They will meet their first loves and first infatuations here. You will witness them bloom and fade away. Does the sun always come out after tragedy? There is also a Polish thread here. I'm glad the author mentioned my beloved country. Each chapter begins with the title of an original song. In his book, Paul Marriner is not afraid to discuss topics related to the Catholic religion. We are also dealing here with the tears of Saint Teresa. Do her tears bring a miracle of solace, or perhaps death? You will find out by reading "Miracle number four". We should immediately ask: do you believe in miracles and the power of holy people? I didn't live in the 1970s, but the author beautifully recreated those times. While reading this novel, I had the impression that I was actively participating in it. Great feeling. If you like good novels with budding rockers, go ahead and read "Miracle number four". I recommend this story to adolescents. When we meet JB, he is only fifteen years old and has his whole life ahead of him. One more character also deserves your attention. Who am I talking/writing about? Of course, I mean Richard. His story shocked me deeply. Why? This is what you will learn from this book. This story is worth reading.

Thank you very much @PaulMarriner, @LoveBooksTours and all Read Along participants for the month spent together with the book "Miracle Number Four".

" [...] Not talking about something doesn’t make it unspeakable. [...]"

I will start with the ending, because it is very moving. I didn't expect that I would cry when I read the ending of Paul Marriner's novel "Miracle number four". Wow! It was an interesting and sad story at the same time. There's a lot of emotion here. I immediately wonder whether the author will...

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" [...] As for going elsewhere, there’s no escaping from the village, although some would like to. [...]"

The prologue of Owen W. Knight's book "Conditions Are Different After Dark" gave me chills. I was very curious how this story would continue. The prologue took us back in time to the 17th century. The entire story takes place in modern times. We meet the couple Faith and James. They are both in love, have perfect jobs and wonderful lives. To be fully happy, they need a child and a change of environment. Thanks to the perfect agent, they buy a great house in a village with a rich and tragic history. A certain captain of Massey placed a curse on the villagers before his death. Is the curse cast in the 17th century still valid in modern times? You will find out by reading this novel. The plot of this book moves slowly. At times, I felt like putting it on the shelf. The middle of this novel and its end are a real Armageddon of emotions. Something started happening here, and I didn't want to put this story aside. There were moments when I was very scared. Plus for the author. The ending gave me quiet hope for another part of this story. Have you ever been interested in corn dolls? Did you know that they can bring their owner good luck or misfortune? Do you believe in the power of curses? If, like me, you love reading folk horror stories, you've come to the right place. Owen W. Knight created a unique horror film with a very interesting ending. There is something to be afraid of. While reading "Conditions are different after dark" I felt a variety of emotions. The villagers were very, very nice. Is this just a fluff? Do they just act like that when new residents move in? If you are looking for an interesting horror game with a story in the background, you should not miss this title. I'll leave you with a question: who can Faith and James really trust? Look for the answer in the book "Conditions are different after dark".

" [...] As for going elsewhere, there’s no escaping from the village, although some would like to. [...]"

The prologue of Owen W. Knight's book "Conditions Are Different After Dark" gave me chills. I was very curious how this story would continue. The prologue took us back in time to the 17th century. The entire story takes place in modern times. We meet the couple Faith...

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" [...] Live in my belly and pay no rent.
—Coyote proverb [...]"

"War Bunny" by Christopher St. John is a very interesting book. This novel is written from the animals' point of view. It is in their world that we move. We are dealing here with, among others, rabbits, mice, coyotes, foxes and rats. Have you ever been interested in their separate world? Have you wondered what problems they struggle with? The author presented it very well. He showed me the world of larger and smaller animals. Do smaller animals have the right to defend themselves and be free? I am delighted with the attitude of a one-year-old bunny named Anastasia. Her behaviour is worth imitating. Let's be like her. Nicodemus disappointed me a bit. Olympia has a thumbs down for how she treated her daughter. That's not how it's done. Ariel is a fox. Is he smarter than rabbits? While reading "War Bunny" you will also meet other characters worthy of your attention. This story showed me that it is worth fighting for your freedom. This book made me realize that you shouldn't trust everyone. There can always be some spies. I recommend "War Bunny" to both teenagers and adults. Literally everyone will find something for themselves here. This is a very original story. I will also add that rabbits have their own bible. At the beginning of each chapter you will find interesting quotes. It's a pity that "War Bunny" ended so quickly. I hope to learn more about Anastasia's fate soon. By the way, thanks to Christopher St. It made John realize that rabbits are very smart and cunning, especially a certain brown bunny. The original cover also deserves your attention. I forget to mention that while reading this book I experienced moments of horror and emotion. I must admit that at times I shed tears. The story is supposedly about animals, but it touches our hearts. If you like YA Fantasy novels about animals, you've come to the right place. It's impossible to get bored with this story.

" [...] Live in my belly and pay no rent.
—Coyote proverb [...]"

"War Bunny" by Christopher St. John is a very interesting book. This novel is written from the animals' point of view. It is in their world that we move. We are dealing here with, among others, rabbits, mice, coyotes, foxes and rats. Have you ever been interested in their separate world? Have you wondered...

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Aktywność użytkownika mommy_and_books

z ostatnich 3 m-cy
2024-06-01 21:17:36
mommy_and_books dodała cytat z książki The Crimson Harvest
2024-06-01 21:17:36
mommy_and_books dodała cytat z książki The Crimson Harvest

Tip the balance and show those monsters that, no matter how much time has passed, the debt has to be paid.

2024-06-01 19:08:09
mommy_and_books dodała cytat z książki The Crimson Harvest
2024-06-01 19:08:09
mommy_and_books dodała cytat z książki The Crimson Harvest

Whatever lies in the recesses of my mind is something so terrible it steals the breath from my lungs.

2024-06-01 19:07:47
mommy_and_books dodała cytat z książki The Crimson Harvest
2024-06-01 19:07:47
mommy_and_books dodała cytat z książki The Crimson Harvest

I’ve sent out a message to all those who have inflicted suffering on another. No matter how much time has passed, you can’t get away with it. You could be next.

2024-06-01 19:06:39
mommy_and_books dodała do serwisu książkę The Crimson Harvest
2024-06-01 19:06:39
mommy_and_books dodała do serwisu książkę The Crimson Harvest
2024-05-31 19:21:54
mommy_and_books oceniła książkę Miracle Number Four na
9 / 10
i dodała opinię:
2024-05-31 19:21:54
mommy_and_books oceniła książkę Miracle Number Four na
9 / 10
i dodała opinię:

" [...] Not talking about something doesn’t make it unspeakable. [...]"

I will start with the ending, because it is very moving. I didn't expect that I would cry when I read the ending of Paul Marriner's novel "Miracle number four". Wow! It was an interesting and sad ...

Rozwiń Rozwiń
Miracle Number Four Paul Marriner
Średnia ocena:
9 / 10
1 ocen
2024-05-30 23:19:03
mommy_and_books dodała do serwisu książkę The Croaking Raven
2024-05-30 23:19:03
mommy_and_books dodała do serwisu książkę The Croaking Raven

Zgadzam się w pełni z opisem. Idealna ze mnie cicha woda. Jestem spokojna do czasu. Umiem wywoływać sztormy, które nie tak łatwo uciszyć.    

2024-05-30 09:29:54
mommy_and_books dodała cytat z książki Miracle Number Four
2024-05-30 09:29:54
mommy_and_books dodała cytat z książki Miracle Number Four

The easy thing is to pretend nothing happened. Harder to face him down and even then you might not like the answer.

2024-05-30 09:29:17
mommy_and_books dodała cytat z książki Miracle Number Four
2024-05-30 09:29:17
mommy_and_books dodała cytat z książki Miracle Number Four

Not really, I’m beginning to think it’s harder to believe someone wouldn’t, for someone they love.

2024-05-30 09:28:38
mommy_and_books dodała cytat z książki Miracle Number Four
2024-05-30 09:28:38
mommy_and_books dodała cytat z książki Miracle Number Four

And as I always say, there’s three types. Love at first sight, children and God’s work.

ulubieni autorzy [79]

Nina Majewska-Brown
Ocena książek:
7,2 / 10
23 książki
4 cykle
104 fanów
Marcin Margielewski
Ocena książek:
7,3 / 10
17 książek
1 cykl
126 fanów
Tanya Valko
Ocena książek:
7,1 / 10
45 książek
4 cykle
200 fanów


Alicja Sinicka Winna Zobacz więcej
Alicja Sinicka Winna Zobacz więcej
Łukasz Kucharski Cena odkupienia Zobacz więcej
Marcin Margielewski Luksus arabskich pałaców Zobacz więcej
Alicja Sinicka Winna Zobacz więcej
Magdalena Adaszewska Córeczka Zobacz więcej
Holly Roberts Only girl alive Zobacz więcej
Lucinda Riley Laura i Świąteczny Anioł Zobacz więcej
Lucinda Riley Laura i Świąteczny Anioł Zobacz więcej

Dodane przez użytkownika

Łukasz Kucharski Cena odkupienia Zobacz więcej
Marcin Margielewski Luksus arabskich pałaców Zobacz więcej
Lucinda Riley Laura i Świąteczny Anioł Zobacz więcej
Lucinda Riley Laura i Świąteczny Anioł Zobacz więcej
Magdalena Adaszewska Córeczka Zobacz więcej
Alicja Horn Diagnoza Zobacz więcej
Holly Roberts Only girl alive Zobacz więcej
Holly Roberts Only girl alive Zobacz więcej
Jennifer L. Armentrout Wojna dwóch królowych Zobacz więcej


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