
Okładka książki Freelove Sia Figiel
Okładka książki Freelove
Sia Figiel Wydawnictwo: Lōʻihi Press literatura piękna
240 str. 4 godz. 0 min.
literatura piękna
Lōʻihi Press
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4 godz. 0 min.
Oceania Samoa Teenager Sex Love Violence
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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
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0 / 10



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Sia Figiel’s most recent novel Freelove tackles the variety of subjects which include pre-palagi (pre-European) kastom, missionary society, Mead vs Freeman controversy, traditional aiga (family clan) values, education in science, respect to elders, finally, importance of courage:
Rather than dreaming up ways of escaping reality, your perpetual duty is to face reality and all the challenges it throws on your way. Don’t wish for the easy. Go through the hard and tough. Because it is only there an then that you truly discover just how remarkable you are. And you should never forget it … Astound yourself so that you may astound those around you (167).
According to Epeli Hau’ofa and his theory of “Sea of Islands” (1994),self-confidence and strong belief in Oceanic strength, solidarity, and culture will play a strategic role in revolutionizing post colonial reality and regaining regional independence in Oceania. Freelove definitely raises these aspects simultaneously touching the matters of gender equality and costly possibility of individual choice over cultural norms.
By drawing a silhouette of intelligent 17 years old Inosia, the author accentuates the strong position of females in upcoming era. She wishes women and men loved each other in respectful and affectionate way. Her novel is full of excitement and sexual tension. As Sia becomes more intimate with Ioage, their relationship is fulfilled on multiple levels including desire, friendship, trust, and intimacy showing the beauty of romantic feelings.
In the interview for Salon du livre de Tahiti, Sia Figiel admits that Freelove is her favourite novel that she has been aiming to write for last 30 years. She stresses how fulfilling and satisfying was the journey to compose the story in only six weeks’ time (2020). As her previous novels focused on the patriarchal system and limitations women ought to fight on daily basis, Freelove is a perfect counterbalance proving the existence of pure love.

Figiel, S. (2016). Freelove: A Novel. Lōʻihi Press.
Hau'ofa, E. (1994). Our Sea of Islands. The Contemporary Pacific, 6(1),147-161.
Salon du livre de Tahiti (2020, November 23). Rencontre avec Sia Figiel [Video]. YouTube.

Sia Figiel’s most recent novel Freelove tackles the variety of subjects which include pre-palagi (pre-European) kastom, missionary society, Mead vs Freeman controversy, traditional aiga (family clan) values, education in science, respect to elders, finally, importance of courage:
Rather than dreaming up ways of escaping reality, your perpetual duty is to face reality and...

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