Brama zdrajców

Okładka książki Brama zdrajców Jeffrey Archer
Okładka książki Brama zdrajców
Jeffrey Archer Wydawnictwo: Rebis Cykl: William Warwick (tom 6) kryminał, sensacja, thriller
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
William Warwick (tom 6)
Tytuł oryginału:
Traitors Gate
Data wydania:
Data 1. wyd. pol.:
Data 1. wydania:
Średnia ocen

9,0 9,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
2 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , ,

Jeffrey Archer has once again shown that he is an excellent writer. His "Traitors Gate" will make a huge sensation in the book world. An interesting crime story with Buckingham Palace in the background. The Queen will also be there.

 A few words about the content of the book. Will it be possible to overthrow Superintendent Warwick? Why did he deserve this? What did he do?

 Is it possible to steal the crown jewels?

 Will Miles Faulkner agree to finance Satan's plan? Is the risk worth the candle?

 The second heroine is Dr. Beth Warwick. She's just interviewed for a job as director of the Fitzmolean. Why does he want to take this position? This means a significant drop in her income. What was it that tempted her? Why was Christina Faulkner the only one against this candidate? Did she know something more? She is Beth's friend. Do you dig holes under your friends?

 I liked the history of the Tower of London through one character in this book. A very interesting spy crime story. I read and didn't believe what I was reading. I liked the intrigue I found in this book. Fast-paced action with amazing twists and turns did not allow you to put this story aside even for a minute. The characters in this book are very diverse. I wonder if a similar story could happen today. There is risk, there is fun. He who doesn't take risks doesn't drink champagne.

 If you like interesting spy crime stories, you should like this one.

 I'm in favour of this, and what about you?

 I recommend.

Jeffrey Archer has once again shown that he is an excellent writer. His "Traitors Gate" will make a huge sensation in the book world. An interesting crime story with Buckingham Palace in the background. The Queen will also be there.

 A few words about the content of the book. Will it be possible to overthrow Superintendent Warwick? Why did he deserve this? What did he...

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  • Ebook


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