Richard Ayoade

Richard Ayoade
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33 chce przeczytać książki autora
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Ayoade on Top
Ayoade on Top
Richard Ayoade
7,8 z 5 ocen
25 czytelników 0 opinii
The Grip of Film
The Grip of Film
Richard Ayoade
7,0 z 2 ocen
7 czytelników 0 opinii
Ayoade on Ayoade
Ayoade on Ayoade
Richard Ayoade
7,5 z 4 ocen
12 czytelników 1 opinia

Popularne cytaty autora

  • A non-diegetic intrusion. A voice. Female. ‘Every story has to start somewhere.’ Fair enough. No argument with that. It’s a bloody reasonabl...

    A non-diegetic intrusion. A voice. Female. ‘Every story has to start somewhere.’ Fair enough. No argument with that. It’s a bloody reasonable thing to say. In fact, throughout what follows, the film’s sustained, masterful use of first-person narration obviates the need for potentially protracted scenes in which important character motivation might be revealed visually. Instead the narrator, Old Donna – or, as she’s credited, ‘Donna’ (Gwyneth Paltrow) – simply tells us what subtext, if any, is not revealed by cutaways of signs and newspapers, expository flashbacks and the cast’s often varied facial expressions. If something about a character’s motivation or a particular incident is unclear, don’t worry; Old Donna will explain what’s going on. This is brutally direct filmmaking. And I welcome it.* * If Orson Welles had had this gift, Citizen Kane might still be remembered today. He could have clarified that weird ending with a simple line of VO, saying something like: 'And that’s when I, Citizen Kane, realised how much I loved sleds'..

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  • If you want to succeed, the film bravely asserts, put on a short skirt and go into the service industry! It won’t be long before you’re pick...

    If you want to succeed, the film bravely asserts, put on a short skirt and go into the service industry! It won’t be long before you’re picked out for even greater things, like higher-paid work within the service industry! Because if you’re hot, you’ll reach the top! And if you’re a little heavy or have a squinty eye, maybe you can work behind the scenes, where you won’t spook anyone.

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